Praising Contentedly

“…for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content” 

Philippians 4:11 (NKJV)    

I remember my mom saying to us as children, “You must learn to be content!” She said this whenever we would gaze longingly and sometimes express openly that we wished we had the toys the other children living in the yard had to play with. You see, their toys were often store-bought or imported and made of plastic, rubber, or other synthetic materials, while ours were hand-made from materials found in our environment. 

As children, we couldn’t appreciate the fact that both sets of toys brought enjoyment and satisfaction. We couldn’t understand that ours were unique, made with love, and, therefore, ought to be treasured. We were too busy comparing and placing ourselves at a disadvantage.

Oftentimes, this is what we do as believers. We look at the admiration the world gives to half-naked men and women, and we try to follow suit. We listen to the raucous shouts coming from a group of party-goers, and we become unhappy with ourselves. We think of how unfair it is that the dishonest and unprincipled earn enough for them to eat out often, travel the world, live luxuriously, and fulfill their every fantasy. 

We underestimate the truth expressed by David in Psalm 73:3 & 17 when he said that he was “…envious of the boastful…” and when he saw the prosperity of the wicked until he went into the sanctuary of God, then he understood their end. You see, beloved, contentment is not found in being equal with or above anyone else, but it is an emotional state of peaceful happiness or satisfaction for what we do have.

What do we have? As God’s children, we have the privilege of calling Him our Father. That in itself is enough because, as our Father, He fills us with His Holy Spirit and makes available all the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit. His Divine Providence, Protection, Healing, Health, Prosperity, Peace, and Joy are just a few of the treasures that are all ours for the asking. We do not need to compare ourselves with others because we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people set apart, God’s own special people (1 Peter 2:9). Hallelujah!


Dear Father, You said in Your Word that our conduct should be without covetousness and that we should be content with such things as we have. Today, we repent for comparing ourselves with others and for being ungrateful. By Your Holy Spirit, help us, Lord, to realise that You are all that we need, and we promise to show others Your love so that they, too, can be content. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Read: John 14:26-27; Hebrews 13:5

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 98; 1 Corinthians 11:2-34; 2 Chronicles 7:11-22; 2 Chronicles 8; 2 Chronicles 9


  1. Rhonda Melville

    Amen thank you lord 🙏

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